MyPlus signs Disability Employment Charter

MyPlus is proud to announce that we have signed the new Disability Employment Charter, which was launched in October.

The Charter, which was developed by the Business Disability Forum, Disability Rights UK, Disability@Work, Scope, Leonard Cheshire, DFN Charitable Foundation, the Shaw Trust, the University of Warwick, and UNISON, lays out in deliberately brief and clear terms the key proposals the government needs to incorporate into its recently launched National Disability Strategy if it is to fulfil the Prime Minister’s pledge to be ambitious and transformative in tackling disability employment disadvantage.

The Charter covers nine areas in total, including the introduction of mandatory disability employment and pay gap reporting, reform of Disability Confident and Access to Work, leveraging government procurement expenditure to improve disabled people’s employment outcomes, and the extension of measures such as supported internships and targeted careers advice to assist disabled people into work.

It has received extensive support from across a wide range of stakeholders, including disabled people’s organisations, disability charities, trade unions, and a growing number of corporates, with 64 organisations in total now having signed, including most of the country’s largest disability charities, such as Mencap, Sense, RNIB and RNID, and FTSE 250 firm PageGroup. Having so many organisations aligned behind the Charter and endorsing its recommendations will be very difficult for the government to ignore.

To find out more about the Charter, including how to sign, go to: