Author - Lise Austen, Recruiters’ Club Manager, MyPlus
With 16% of students in UK universities having a disability, including long-term health conditions and neurodiverse conditions, employers recognise that to ensure they are recruiting the best talent they need to focus on being inclusive of disabled students.
However, research shows though that disabled students and graduates are less likely to have obtained full-time employment than their non-disabled counterparts. The reasons for this are many and varied however key is the belief among disabled graduates that they are not wanted by employers; they believe that their disability will be perceived as a ‘weakness’ by employers, that employers are not interested in them due to their disability, they will be seen as a ‘hassle’ and that they will face discrimination.
One of the ways employers can challenge these myths and perceptions and build brand awareness amongst disabled students is via Careers Insight events. To help build the confidence of disabled students to apply for their opportunities, disclose their disability and request the support they require, MyPlus recommends that during such an event employers:
Share why being a disability inclusive organisation is important
Showcase the support offered to individuals both during the recruitment process and in the workplace
Advise students on how they can access support during the recruitment process
Provide the opportunity for students to hear from those with disabilities already enjoying successful careers at the organisation.
Since 2010, MyPlus have hosted careers insight events for university students and recent graduates. Explore the Law, Investing in Talent and Future You are aimed at providing the knowledge that disabled individuals need to feel confident in approaching employers and being open about their disabilities in the recruitment process. These events have had astounding impacts on those who attend evident by some of the feedback we have received from disabled students:
“Very useful to hear from people in comparable positions. I think the event proves which firms really are inclusive; it’s all very well for them to say they are but hearing experiences of the trainees and lawyers already there was reassuring.”
“This was invaluable. It highlighted how having a disability is not an issue in investment banking, and that there is a lot of inclusivity and support.”
“It was great to hear from disabled professionals and to hear what adjustments workplaces were able to make for their employees. It made me confident that I could pursue a career in commercial law.”
“The MyPlus event enabled me to feel significantly more confident, with the knowledge that my disability can be a major strength in my employment applications.”
“I was impressed by the commitment of the companies represented at the event. Disability inclusion is not just a box to check - it is an integral to their corporate values.”
And from employers:
“Investing in Talent is a fantastic way for us to meet brilliant students and to go beyond talking about disability inclusion, instead putting our inclusive culture into action by providing real support and advice for candidates. ”
“Fantastic event and the engagement of students is one of the best I’ve seen.”
“Helen’s passion for equity for all is super inspiring, this emanated throughout the room as you could visibly witness the students relax and realise their disability is a sign of strength, not weakness.
The work MyPlus do is nothing short of incredible and it was a pleasure to attend this event.”
MyPlus are the UK’s leading experts in designing and delivering insight events to enable employers to showcase themselves as disability inclusive employers and connect with the increasing talent pool of disabled students. Employers interested in engaging with disabled students via a Careers Insight event can either participate in the MyPlus hosted events mentioned above or they can host their own for which MyPlus are able to organise all or part of the insight event on behalf of a firm.
Law firm Allen & Overy run a series of annual Autumn Inclusivity events for students aimed at developing their confidence to apply to their opportunities. For the disability focused event Allen & Overy, who have been members of the MyPlus Recruiters’ Club for over 12 years, used their consulting benefit to engage the expertise of MyPlus to run a session on disclosing a disability and requesting support and adjustments.
As a result of running this event Allen & Overy saw an increase in the number of students disclosing a disability and / or long-term health illness, and an increase in students requesting adjustments.
Watch what Allen & Overy have to say about the event
For a copy of our the MyPlus Careers Insight Events brochure or to find out more email