MyPlus Services: 6 steps to Disability Confidence
Step 5. Education
Building ‘Disability Confidence’ amongst employees
Progressing disability in the workplace has been slow at best and non-existent at worst. The reasons for this are many and varied however a key barrier to progress is that, for many, disability is an uncomfortable subject. People don’t know how to act, what to do, what language to use or what they can and can’t say. And in the workplace, with the law hanging over our heads, we are fearful of getting it ‘wrong’ and therefore it seems easier to do nothing, say nothing and hope it will go away!
However, it won’t go away; disability is becoming more and more prevalent and it is crucial that everyone in your organisation has a clear understanding of disability, their responsibilities and the assistance available to them and how to access it.
Disability confidence is not about becoming an expert in all the different types of disabilities not least that there are far too many for this to be possible; instead it is about feeling confident and comfortable to engage in relevant conversations. It is also, at times, being aware of what your duties are as an employer and what your legal obligations are.
There are various ways to educate your employees about disability in the workplace; these include, but are not limited to: training, use of role models, awareness raising events and leveraging disability awareness days.
“Helen delivered an incredibly insightful and informative Neurodivergence training session for our HR team. We have had the pleasure of working with Helen on a number of MyPlus events, and are always impressed by her skill as a facilitator and trainer.”
Our MyPlus Consulting brochure provides further information on this service, detailing how we work with you and what you can expect. To request a copy email
MyPlus can help you with the final step to ensure your graduate recruitment processes are adjusted and also recommends that your organisation become members of the MyPlus Employers’ Club. The Club will provide ongoing training for your new and existing recruitment staff, as well as access to our Disability Confidence in Recruitment Toolkit.