MyPlus Services: 6 steps to Disability Confidence

Step 3. Inclusive Culture

MyPlus Services: 6 Steps to Disability Confidence
Step 3: Inclusive Culture

Creating an Inclusive Culture

Where difference is recognised and valued and employees with disabilities can be open and access support

Green line

It is widely known that having a diverse workforce encourages increased creativity and innovation and is crucial to improved business performance and continued success. However, diversity on its own isn’t sufficient; an environment that promotes inclusion must also be created and valued if business benefits are to be truly realised.

Disability in the workplace needs to become ‘business as usual’. With 1 in 3 of us being disabled or closely related to someone who is, it is a conversation that is relevant to all and, as such, discussing disability in the workplace needs to be normalised.

Individuals who are disabled or who become disabled must be supported to perform in their role in the same way that their non-disabled peers are. They must also have equal access to personal development and promotional opportunities and for this to happen an organisation must be confident that their policies, procedures and practices are inclusive and accessible to all.

By working with you to understand your culture, you will gain an objective understanding of how inclusive you truly are and to recognise any areas of concern that need to be addressed.

Our MyPlus Consulting brochure provides further information on this service, detailing how we work with you and what you can expect. To request a copy email

MyPlus can support you in your next steps which may include ensuring your recruitment processes are open to individuals with disabilities, your workforce are disability confident through education and, if you recruit students, your graduate recruitment processes are inclusive of students with disabilities.

Read more about Step 4 - Inclusive Recruitment