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Quarterly Q&A Drop in session

MyPlus Employers' Club Q&A Drop in session 31st July

Thursday 31st July 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Virtual Quarterly Q&A

The MyPlus Employers’ Club virtual quarterly Q&A sessions provide an opportunity for members to access the expertise of Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus on a drop-in basis.

Helen, an expert in disability employment is available for an hour every quarter to answer adhoc questions related to the recruitment and employment of disabled individuals. Employer members can dial in at any point during the hour to ask questions or just join to listen to the discussions. The sessions provide a great opportunity to hear the types of questions, challenges and concerns other employers are facing and learn from the advice provided.

The sessions are open to any employee of the member organisation. If your employer is an Employers’ Club member and you would like to register email To check if your employer is a Employers’ Club member visit our current members page.