Our Students' Club website www.myplusstudentsclub.com has been selected as an OnRec finalist for the 'Niche Job Board' Award.
Plus Points
Customer Helen Cooke runs a consultancy that helps disabled people find a career. Emma Bowler talked to her about job-hunting, and more. Click here to view the original article as laid out in LifeStyle Magazine
MyPlus Recruiters' Club Releases 2018 Events Calendar
Windsor, UK (13 December 2017) – MyPlus Recruiters’ Club has released their 2018 calendar of events featuring an informative mix of Breakfast Seminars, Disability Cafés and Workshops focused on disability related topics.
MyPlus Receives 'Highly Commended' Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Windsor, UK (01 December 2017) – MyPlus received ‘Highly Commended’ recognition for the Best Diversity Resource Award at the Excellence in Diversity Awards in Manchester last night.
MyPlus Students' Club Announces New Website Launch
Mental Health in the Workplace: Are you doing enough?
The MyPlus Recruiters’ Club hosted the Disability Café event ‘Keep an Open Mind: Shedding Light on Talent’ on 12 September in London. As the number of people with poor mental health increases, it is essential that employers recognise the importance of breaking down the stigmas associated with it.